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Are you Looking for AP Latin Classes? Worry not, EduShaale has got your back

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AP Latin Structure

50 questions | 1hr | 50% of Score

This section tests your understanding of the poetry and prose readings covered in the course, as well as your ability to read at sight.

Questions also require you to relate the Latin texts to Roman historical, cultural, and literary contexts.

You’ll see these 4 types of questions:

  • Syllabus reading: Vergil (10–12 questions)
  • Syllabus reading: Caesar (10–12 questions)
  • Sight reading: Poetry (13–15 questions)
  • Sight reading: Prose (13–15 questions)

5 questions | 2hrs | 50% of Score

The two-hour time limit for this section includes a 15-minute reading period. The free-response section includes 3 types of questions:

  • 2 translation questions: Vergil (1 passage) and Caesar (1 passage). You’ll be asked to literally translate a short passage from the required readings.
  • 1 analytical essay question: You’ll be given 2 passages in Latin from the required readings and asked to write an essay analyzing their linguistic and literary features through a comparative analysis.
  • 2 short-answer questions: Vergil (1 passage) and Caesar (1 passage). You’ll be given a passage from the required readings and be asked to answer a series of 5–7 questions based on the passage.

AP Latin Course Content

The AP Latin Exam will assess both your knowledge of the Latin literary concepts covered in the course units and your ability to translate Latin texts into English.

Vergil, Aeneid, Book 1

You’ll read passages of the Aeneid that introduce Vergil’s portrayal of leadership and the role of the gods and other peoples in the trials of the Trojans.

You’ll focus on:

  • Reviewing and building your Latin vocabulary
  • Reviewing and solidifying your knowledge of syntax
  • Reviewing and practicing the terminology used to identify grammatical forms and syntactic structure
  • Beginning to explore contextualization, analytical, and argumentative skills

Caesar, Gallic War, Books 1 and 6

You’ll read passages of the Gallic War that introduce Caesar’s subtle portrayal of non-Romans in contrast to his native representation of Roman values.

You’ll focus on:

  • Continuing to build on your Latin vocabulary
  • Explaining the meaning of Latin words and phrases in context
  • Understanding Latin morphology when translating Latin texts into English
  • Articulating a defensible claim or thesis

Vergil, Aeneid, Book 2

You’ll return to Vergil with Aeneas’s account of the fall of Troy and explore the author’s portrayal of the seen and unseen forces in the characters’ lives and deaths.

You’ll focus on:

  • Using the correct terms to identify grammatical forms and syntactic structures
  • Scanning dactylic hexameter in Latin poetry
  • Reading and comprehending sight passages in poetry
  • Articulating and supporting an argument using relevant evidence from Latin texts and readings in English

Caesar, Gallic War, Book 4

You’ll read about the Romans’ first invasion of Britain as you explore themes of leadership and of war and empire in the readings.

You’ll focus on:

  • Identifying linguistic and artistic qualities in Latin prose
  • Identifying stylistic features in Latin prose
  • Understanding differences between Latin and English usage
  • Reading and comprehending sight passages in prose
  • Using accurate, specific, and relevant references to the Latin texts to support an articulated argument

Vergil, Aeneid, Book 4

You’ll return to Vergil and the love affair of Queen Dido and Aeneas as you explore the views of non-Romans shown in the readings and how those views illustrate Roman values.

You’ll focus on:

  • Identifying linguistic and artistic qualities in Latin poetry
  • Identifying stylistic features in Latin poetry
  • Analysing the effects of language usage and stylistic features in Latin texts
  • Using accurate, specific, and relevant references to the Latin to support an articulated argument

Caesar, Gallic War, Book 5, Part I

You’ll study the first half of the readings from Book 5 as you explore the themes of history and memory as portrayed in Caesar’s literary genre and style.

You’ll focus on:

  • Analyzing the effects of language usage and stylistic features in the texts
  • Using reasoning to draw conclusions and make inferences based on textual features
  • Using contextual knowledge and references to support your analysis in an essay

Caesar, Gallic War, Book 5, Part II, Book 6, and Book 7

You’ll continue with the second half of the reading from Book 5 of Caesar’s Gallic War and explore the theme of leadership in war.


You’ll focus on:

  • Identifying references to Roman culture, history, and mythology in Latin texts
  • Analyzing Latin texts based on knowledge of products, practices, and perspectives of Roman culture

Vergil, Aeneid, Books 6, 8, and 12

You’ll return to Vergil and explore the themes of literary genre and style and of human beings and the gods in the readings.

You’ll focus on:

  • Identifying references to Roman culture, history, and mythology in Latin texts
  • Analyzing Latin texts based on knowledge of products, practices, and perspectives of Roman culture

Why us for your AP Latin Classes?

At EduShaale, we take immense pride in our commitment to providing a truly personalized and 1:1 learning experience for each student. Our approach ensures that you receive not just education but individualized attention, targeted guidance, and a learning journey tailored specifically to your unique needs and pace.

Embark on a journey of comprehensive coverage of AP Latin concepts with our program, featuring over 20+ hours of dedicated instruction. Immerse yourself in the subject matter, master essential topics, and build a robust foundation that goes beyond conventional teaching methods.

Recognizing that every student has a unique learning pace, our classes are meticulously paced according to your individual needs. This flexibility empowers you to grasp concepts thoroughly, ensuring a comfortable progression through the curriculum.

Homework assignments form an integral part of our program. Upon completing each unit, engaging homework is provided to reinforce your understanding and allow you to apply the knowledge acquired in a practical context.

We are unwavering in our commitment to ensuring that your doubts and questions are promptly addressed. Benefit from our unlimited doubt classes, providing you with ample opportunities to seek clarification and bolster your confidence in your understanding of the subject.

This invaluable opportunity allows you to analyze your performance, gain insights into your mistakes, and refine your test-taking strategies under expert guidance.

Collaboration among educators, students, and parents is pivotal for academic success. Experience the benefits of regular Parent-Teacher Meetings, where we discuss your progress, share insights, and address any concerns. This collaborative approach creates a supportive learning environment that goes beyond the ordinary.

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